while you climb around grand children and the becoming home i dont even imagine
so i simply sit writing words to fall opposite each picture in our 99 page+ dream book
our now comrade from norway showed up in '15 and recorded me for 4 days & left
few months he produces transcription wants to book no not these exact words bror
so i been sittin' fer 2 yrs the often times horror of me-words-think-feel-words
i'm a fucking scratch n blog guy
assume we'll self publish it is quirky they probably like capitals & punctuation
tryin' a few art biggies for entertainment
dan is 30s the 80 guy is schooled but it is joyful to do the fantasy immersion things
same wit sun-in-law nick powers & our website tuning up for the major’s move busting
got fantasy add to cart box & new pictures
come down from your ladders n baby sitting highs a cold eve by the now-toxic-crackler billdane.com cuppa t ...
nevermind build your own life we're pretty damn lucky it's in the book Os bill