my nothing better list includes
Niall Williams “Time of the Child”

Bill Dane

gazing norsk

Your website is hella positively edited DS!

I hope some folks will find the Pleasure you're making available to us

Perhaps there's a teaching place in Tokyo Berlin  Madrid  Rome  Beijing  Paris...

You are Goodly prepped!!!!!

It's a joy to see your pictures Dan Bill

Bill Dane

you don’t think it’ll come to this
PlanetWTF?! on course…

it already has for most of us since the beginning

Bill Dane

But What did Daddy do?
Like Willie Lee say. He do his job too good.
But that don’t make sense.
Don’t have to. It’s white folks.

Brit Bennett The Vanishing Half (after their father’s murder)

Bill Dane

think of you  Joe  quite often...

reading Erpenbeck   the Irish-Niall Williams   WCF...

how's JAD today

i'm editing mine   doing news posts   escitalopram   fine films nightly   hearing sad fucked

Always Grateful  Bill

Bill Dane

Jenny Erpenbeck Novels Go, Went, Gone & Kairos & etc…

Amazing for me

Bill Dane

Collector Prints costly
James Danziger Gallery only
if the file survived crashes
if i survived

Digital Gelatin Silver Paper
1/1 Edition
15 inches long-side

Bill Dane

”History of the Rain” Niall Williams
So good I can only read a few pages at a time

Bill Dane

we are living in this USA which has lost the consensus necessary for our liberal democracy - it’s been deteriorating since the beginning - civil war+ - FDR+ tried - Reagan+ featuring plans leading to trump+ and today…

Bill Dane

strictly  i'm all over places
like many o' my acquaintances
I Am a large black 100% cotton comrade
I do wish you 2 healing

now  and in the end's us

Bill Dane

Love for you two  J
Please thank J for Dr Williams' medicine “This Is Happiness” ... i'm now with his "History of the Rain"
Remembering you pointing me to "A Tale of Love and Darkness" Dr Oz
mine now:
McCarthy’s "Stella Maris" fascinating
forgot to drink my tea... "The Passenger" was a good warm up
Erdrich is a go-to & finally found "Light In August"... "Sound And Fury" too  language-disjointing for me (i should talk)
Loves: present n past: MUSIC, FILMS, Duras, NYC's Leonard Michael's, Hamsun, Banks, Böll, Morrison, Màrquez, Beckett, Sebald, Bukowski, Fante's "Ask The Dust"&"The Road To Los Angeles"... etc
Keep On Pointin'... Please... Thank You!

Bill Dane

"The Road" Cormac McCarthy 
I think that if this was written & read in the 60s it might have been different for me
By 2006 even i knew Bach & Glass
Serling  & Robbe-Grillet
Warhol & 99 bottles of beer on the wall
The Cormac can write!
this was tedious! ... your students were born too late Joe... ?
"Stella Maris" is my kinda engaging Light's us

Bill Dane