People tell me they like my glasses
Women say, "Oh I like your glasses"
My glass is half full o’ glass
Get out the EpiPens
Sorry to broken-record Dan in Norway
As we head right to prop the real $$$$guys
Sorry to broken-record Dan in Norway
As we head right to prop the real $$$$guys
Toadies Reagan Bush Clinton Bush Obama bla bla Scandinavia
Thatcher Merkel France Spain bla bla Saudis Israel .......
Global neoconservative capitalism +++
Spreadin' burnin' sand devil-man we-all-done-in Dan
How bout Buddhist-Communism but
Spreadin' burnin' sand devil-man we-all-done-in Dan
How bout Buddhist-Communism but
We want stuff folks believe USA USA TVs toasters moviestartits more to come
Stuff stuff stuff fuss fuss dead
The Bern will evolve
The immoralities of capitalism are
Will we D E V O
The Bern will evolve
The immoralities of capitalism are
Will we D E V O
Speaking self-photo-wise assuming also on other footings
Must now name myself: street-stroller no more street-walker
Fits well with my evolving level of concentration-focus stamina
Sanctifiedly seemingly this produces more fine footage
Time tells
Must now name myself: street-stroller no more street-walker
Fits well with my evolving level of concentration-focus stamina
Sanctifiedly seemingly this produces more fine footage
Time tells
Everything we do adds up to later
Both 'roots' - Thachers & Danes - of our Anglo-DanskViking folks came on the 1620 Mayflower
And set up Plymouth Colony almost communist?
She-They always make some big sense
Oohhhh dear yes ¥o-landi Vi$$er et al Die Antwoord SouthAfrica
Dan-Bill We use emails:
Takk over på nytt trinnløst
Re: Not Simple Dan!
So, what are you doing with all the material you collected? tapes & video?
Us talking hours about mig y my picture history +? What now Dan?
Takk over på nytt trinnløst
Re: Not Simple Dan!
So, what are you doing with all the material you collected? tapes & video?
Us talking hours about mig y my picture history +? What now Dan?
Takk over på nytt trinnløst Dan
Thank you over again infinitely
You will see me going from too simple guy
To William The Viking Erobring Helten wit Anglo-AmerryCo edges
Finally getting with your course Dan
Tied fully on this dragonship Dan
You're a devil of a man Water
Go! The end justifies the means 1765 USA Cuba
Be nice as possible no jerks Os mig
Dan's making a book in Norway
Dan Skjaeveland sat here fer hours n made tapes
Ja ja ja you are no help damn send me the recordings Dan
Dan you're a devil of a man you spread the burning sand with water cool clear water
I love mememe what is a meme? i will look it up myself
I love me on your tapes Dan
& w/pictures too
Sometimes i rightfully cringe don't you
Absolutely family fun here it could be and before I croak hopefully I'll love it
On deathcot no oceansounds fer moi my voice ahhhh i'll wait til others leave the room
99% = = + + + + website
Clinton drops out
Bernie is president
Bernie is president
Couldn't say "shoot - shot"
So I made a new verb "camera" in '14 "camera - cameraed"
Awkward ... looking to other languages +
I "foti - pafis" in Esperanto Danish is "fotografere - varmt" hmmm
How did the word "shoot" come to be used in the context of photography?
Its first use in that sense is from the late 1800s and was more commonly applied to movies than to photography.
There are many uses of "shoot" predating this usage which have more to do with moving quickly than with firing a bullet, such as "shooting star" for a meteor, "shoot a river" for descending rapids, or "shoot the moon" for fleeing at night.
I don't think there's any record of how "shoot a film" came to be used for movie photography, but if I had to bet, my wild guess would be the inherent similarities between movie cameras of the day...... and the Gatling gun...
So I made a new verb "camera" in '14 "camera - cameraed"
Awkward ... looking to other languages +
I "foti - pafis" in Esperanto Danish is "fotografere - varmt" hmmm
How did the word "shoot" come to be used in the context of photography?
Its first use in that sense is from the late 1800s and was more commonly applied to movies than to photography.
There are many uses of "shoot" predating this usage which have more to do with moving quickly than with firing a bullet, such as "shooting star" for a meteor, "shoot a river" for descending rapids, or "shoot the moon" for fleeing at night.
I don't think there's any record of how "shoot a film" came to be used for movie photography, but if I had to bet, my wild guess would be the inherent similarities between movie cameras of the day...... and the Gatling gun...
... not only in appearance but in how the user's body is situated relative to it.
Castro and Comrades
Lucky Cuba was small and Batista a dictator: communism possible
Crime: USA sabotaged did not help Cuba become ...
Lucky Cuba was small and Batista a dictator: communism possible
Crime: USA sabotaged did not help Cuba become ...
After Website-FB-Flickr-Twit-Tumbl-Pin
There must be more share avenues out there for pictures
Instagram fer elders?
There must be more share avenues out there for pictures
Instagram fer elders?
Does Žižek call himself a communist
Did Lacan
Do you
Am I anything as a commonist
I see Bernie Sanders as the only capitalist since our depression
To at least challenge big for a scandinavian style capitalist-socialism
Black Lives Matter
A safety-net guy ... with money out of politics
Bernie no communist but I love him
To at least challenge big for a scandinavian style capitalist-socialism
Black Lives Matter
A safety-net guy ... with money out of politics
Bernie no communist but I love him
Stuff n fuss for me to get asap straight
My pictures' +++ future:
$$$-family-politics-capitalism-speculation-thepeople-sharing-exhibition-sales +
My pictures' +++ future:
$$$-family-politics-capitalism-speculation-thepeople-sharing-exhibition-sales +