more crows at the beach
and turkey vultures
maybe i shouldn’t love this so much
nancy bill doing blake-thacher rincon carpinteria
cousins’ li’l house on the ocean
this wood framer been here since ‘38 me in utero
lucky coming week in rincon carpinteria at Blake-Thacher li’l wood framed isolated in 1938 beach house i grew freer here with cousins safest ocean waves bodies pebbles sand hobos up by the train tracks their writing on the walls so few other grownups gated now
pdf correct w spreads & link for me afore ya fleeg-off ta fuckin fiuggi find it your own self bill
a favorite utterance my 40s-50s mother
how odd of god to choose the jews
not at all Edie it’s gospel
she did like music and poetry even spike jones ogden nash
everything makes sense to someones
everything is somethings else
i always thought she someway meant to stick it to christianity
we'll be in carpinteria 5/27 until june 3rd
no mac texts ok 1-510-230-1452
2 migraines in 3 dagger-dager i must bremse bror
our way or de hovedvei . . .
1-give Fraenkel a chance
2-give Chronicle Books
3-give NYMOMA
4-give SFMOMA
up to you D:
TBW Books (Xavier Barral)
ride off o joys have your life Dan bill
you go stretch rest photo truck . . .
i'm on p38 go bathe take a pic
take shit outta boxes n place 'em in who-cares places
just let me text-edit before you brann et skudd ¡hermano
dont shoot just yet you think aperture gives one
Jack n bill fun possible minutely
¿know anyone who might publish a quirky book
97pp opposing text & picture
+ 50pp w sweet 100 pics pdf ready
kamerat brother from another mindset
you proceed on publishing-pathways making sense to your own self . . .
i just went thru all the photo books of mack aperture steidl + + +
of course there are historicals n goods
their book list is full of folks with $$$$$
paying to get published = known
i am repelled repulsed & whatever …
to be rejected any-which-way as-is
passing on various humiliations & who cares
o boys n girls we must have more dignified fun than offered
¿how to & wit top-picture-quality
hvordan gjør du alt?
¿cómo Dan hacer todo esto?
me n shadows know
i will focus on book-homework
& report on your monday
& buddhist-communism works kamerat
we truckin’…
Os ds bd
wen i get u woke bror
i'm gonna ask you wtf is with all this dashboard shit & dockings
this top bar full o nuts n bolts o' pop-in miseries
whoa-is-me the usa-whiny-techless-dickhead
i'm simply going to keep editing Dan
text and moving pictures around
for you to perfect at your pdf-convenience Dan
may the spirits bless you my sol Os bill
:+ pdf med sprer seg like two page spreads like real books
text pics are good-enough in-place to do PDF
they dont all have titles and they are not sized correctly i move them as best i
will be editing text on whims n fancy my fucking distance vision is computer disturbed
ha ha pink man yo
could be simply 80 & 6/12s or ¿ the military-industrial-political complexities
site by tiny internet company e yo
for reasons entombed
my grandfather Thacher likely be better known at Midland than to Thachers
Edie n the shadows knew