
bill dane  1065 talbot - behind your project w wonderful view & audio
i've even yelled at your guys from our bathroom window
what a crew what pros
great sounds   voices n tools   ¡risas they even look pro
i've watched several projects close up   
you've got the whole house building package
i hope to fuck they get paid right !
looking forward be well  bill

When  BLACK LIVES MATTER  we are all better.

Bill Dane

As Donald Rumsfeld once put it,
there are known unknowns: things we know that we don't know.
For example, I know that this painting is not art. Maybe it's science.


But I don't know that this photograph (below) is not art, and i don't know that it's not
in the Marxist sense of the word, as in, meta-politics.
That's all I'm saying. Marc James Leger

unnamed (1).jpg

that may be enough for some Marc merci beaucoups bill

Bill Dane

marx did not do fathers’ days
please find me some Boots Riley email contacts   
i'm steamless here   
gift me if you fuckin' care so much      
o dears  please dont reply to this

Bill Dane

thank you for being here and there

Bill Dane

June 10 1975
Monet Zulpo-Dane
her very own self (ours)

Bill Dane

Thank You 
fine feedback from my flickr friends trial run blast send out 50 years of pictures
​t​here's always more stuff to do  Nick    
​the book won't be til next year = no website-blast connection 
​t​o mention  our beloved  who cares   but us​

Bill Dane


we never step in the same river twice
different river different us

those who ignore history are bound to repeat it
history never repeats itself

don't substitute moralism for politics

Bill Dane

Schjeldahl passes on doing a book blurb  
"I'm afraid that blurbing is something that I no longer do,
except with close friendships at stake"
how close we are

Bill Dane

it’s not so easy to bring-up childhood images of grownups period
we’re they there
mostly harsh
photos mostly wish-filling bs
but some of the late 1800s 1900s family stuff
my people are stiff
and somethings other

Bill Dane

¡Thank You Nick!​
two-picture rows = superbity
no add-to-bag = post $-puberty​

Bill Dane

can i just let it all just Be
into me
w/o trying to adjust it all to my normal

Bill Dane

there’s not so much wildlife left at the beach house
plenty masked with moving light and water

Bill Dane

any houses any rooms any yards
some we weren’t invited into
we constantly played our asses off
the my‘40s

Bill Dane

since ‘38 i can’t remember anyone wanting to be a parent
at home in Ojai at Thacher here at the beach house
i’ve been looking at the photo faces in books on the walls
kids just go play
we had hella fun with each other

Bill Dane

oil rigs way out there
9 10 11 12 at night tiny cities
leakers oozers
nature does it too

Bill Dane

it was said
m-f at Rincon tbs = trust baby surfers
most folks work go to school
don’t they
we love to id stuff

Bill Dane